
Index and Match

Excel spreadsheet file used in video: Right-click to download file


Match will search a range of cell for a specified item and return the relative position in the range. Match takes 3 parameters:

Match is not case sensitive when looking up text. if type is set to 0 and an exact match is not found, an #N/A error is returned. In the following example Match is used to find the relative position of an item in a table of products:

The mixer is the 5th item down in the list of products.
The first parameter is the item being looked up in E2.
The next parameter is the lookup array which is the cell range A2 to A8
The 3rd parameter is 0. An exact match is sought.
Match can be used with other functions that use an index for lookup. For example VLOOKUP in it's 3rd parameter. In the following example VLOOKUP uses match to find the brand in column 2. By making the cell references to the product and the cell ranges in the table absolute, the formula can be copied to the price.


Index has 2 different forms an array form and a reference form. The Array form used with match can return the value contained in any cell of a table. The Array form of Index takes 3 arguments. if the 2nd argument is omitted the 3rd is required and vice-versa.

Index used with row_num parameter only:

Index used with column_num parameter only:

If both are used index returns the value in the cell at the intersection of row_num and column_num.

When Index is used with Match it can return the value of any cell in a table:
